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The VHAS investigates exposure to armed conflict during the Vietnam War and the health and aging of Vietnamese war survivors



Works in Progress

  • Jared Poff, Kim Korinek, and Tran Khanh Toan.  “Cognitive Health in Vietnam: The Effects of War Exposure and Social Engagement,” under review.
  • Young, Yvette, Kim Korinek, Bussarawan Teerawichitchainan, Zachary Zimmer, and Toan Khanh Tran. “The Health Impacts of Agent Orange on Aging Residents of Northern Vietnam,” under review. 
  • Young, Yvette, Kim Korinek and Nguyen Huu Minh.  “The trauma of flight or flight from trauma? Untangling the relationship between war, migration and PTSD in a Vietnamese cohort,” under review. 
  • Korinek, Kim, Yvette Young, Jefferson Schmidt**, Eleanor Brindle, Tran Khanh Toan, and Zachary Zimmer.  “How Does Exposure to War Age the Body and Mind? An Analysis of Subjective Age in Northern and Central Vietnamese Older Adults,” under review. 
  • Young, Sierra,** Kim Korinek, and Yvette Young.  “Sleep Quality & Early-Life War Exposure: An Analysis of Sleep Problems Among Vietnamese Older Adults Using Data from the Vietnam Health and Aging Study,” in preparation


Conference Presentations & Invited Lectures

  • Truc Ngoc Hoang Dang, Bussarawan Teerawichtchainan, and Low Qing Ying Timothy. (2023). Adverse life experiences and consequences on later life: Exposure to armed conflict and spousal abuse among Vietnamese older persons. The 17th Thailand National Conference on Population and Society 2023 "Dimensions of One's Life Course". June, 2023.
  • Truc Ngoc Hoang Dang, Bussarawan Teerawichtchainan, and Low Qing Ying Timothy. (2023). Earlier-life military experience, war exposure and victim of intimate partner violence: The role of post-traumatic stress disorder. Population Association of Singapore Annual Meeting. May, 2023.
  • Kim Korinek. (2023). Life Course & Health Perspectives on Legacies of the American/Vietnam War. Symposium on Vietnam War Legacies, Harvard Kennedy School. April 21, 2023.
  • Yvette Young, Kim Korinek, Bussarawan Teerawichtchainan, Zachary Zimmer, and Tran Khanh Toan. (2023). Health Impacts of Agent Orange on Aging Residents of Northern Vietnam. Population Association of American Annual Meeting. April, 2023.
  • Sierra Young, Kim Korinek, Yvette Young, and Tran Khanh Toan. (2023). Sleep quality and early life war exposure: Insomnia among Vietnamese older adults in the Vietnam health and aging study. Population Association of American Annual Meeting. April, 2023.
  • Kim Korinek and Nhung Tran. (2022). Lifetime Fertility in a Context of Protracted War: An Analysis from Northern Vietnam. University of Utah Asia Center, Population, Health and Armed Conflict Research Symposium. June, 2022.
  • Delaney Glass, Yvette Young, Nhung Tran, Tranh Khanh Toan, and Kim Korinek. (2022). Weathering Within War: Somatic Health Complaints Among Vietnamese Older Adults Exposed to Bombing and Violence as Late Adolescents in the American War. Population Association of American Annual Meeting. April, 2022.
  • Zachary Zimmer. (2022). Early-life war exposure and later-life frailty among older adults in Vietnam: Does war hasten aging? (2022). National University of Singapore, Center for Family and Population Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Seminar series. January 28, 2022.
  • Kim Korinek, Sahlil Ahmed, Yvette Young, and Tranh Khanh Toan. (2021). Wartime Stressors and Military Service in Early Adulthood and Biomarkers of Aging and Sarcopenia among Older Adult Vietnamese War Survivors. Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science annual meeting. October, 2021.
  • Yvette Young, Miles Kovnick, Nguyen Huu Minh, and Kim Korinek. (2021). Gendered Exposure, Gendered Response—Exposure to Wartime Stressors and PTSD in Older Vietnamese War Survivors. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. August, 2021.
  • Kim Korinek, Zachary Zimmer, Bussarawan Teerawichitchainan, Yvette Young, Cao Long, and Tranh Khanh Toan. (2021). Cognitive Function in the Context of Early Life Wartime Stress Exposure: An Analysis of Cognitive Decline in a Cohort of Vietnamese Older Adults. Population Association of America Annual Meeting. May, 2021.
  • Kim Korinek, Yvette Young and Zachary Zimmer. (2021). Challenges in measuring war exposure: Examples from the Vietnam Health and Aging Study. Virtual presentation to the Population Health and Armed Conflict interest group. May 21, 2021.
  • Kim Korinek, Zachary Zimmer, Bussarawan Teerawitchitchainan, Yvette Young, Miles O. Kovnick, Cao Long, and Tran Khanh Toan. (2021). Cognitive Function in the Context of Early Life Wartime Stress Exposure: An Analysis of Cognitive Decline in a Cohort of Vietnamese Older Adults. Population Association of America Annual Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri. May, 2021.
  • Zachary Zimmer. (2021). War and biological aging in Vietnam: An ongoing project at the Global Aging and Community Initiative. Presentation to the Nova Scotia Centre on Aging Advisory Board. May 19, 2021.
  • Yvette Young, Kim Korinek, and Nguyen Huu Minh. (2021). A Life Course Perspective on War Exposure, Migration History, and Later Life Wellbeing of Northern Vietnamese War Survivors. IV ISA Forum of Sociology. February, 2021.
  • Kim Korinek, Yvette Young, Bussarawan Teerawichitchainan, Nguyen Thi Kim Chuc, Miles O. Kovnick, and Zachary Zimmer. (2020). Is War Hard on the Heart? Gender, Wartime Stress and Late Life Cardiovascular Conditions in a Population of Vietnamese Older Adults. Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology, University of Washington. May, 2020.
  • Miles O. Kovnick, Yvette Young, Nhung Tran, and Kim Korinek (2020). The Impact of Early Life War Exposure on Late Life Mental Health in a Vietnamese Population. Power, Inequality and Resistance at Work. 115th ASA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California. August, 2020.
  • Yvette Young, Kim Korinek, and Nguyen Huu Minh. (2020). A Life Course Perspective on War Exposure, Migration History, and Later Life Wellbeing of Northern Vietnamese War Survivors. Challenges of the 21st Century: Democracy, Environment, Inequalities, Intersectionality. 4th ISA Forum of Sociology meeting, Porto Alegre, Brazil. July 14, 2020.
  • Kim Korinek, Yvette Young, Nhung Tran, Miles O. Kovnick, and Nguyen Thi Kim Chuc (2020). Gender, Exposure to Wartime Stressors and PTSD in Late Life – An Analysis of the Vietnam Health and Aging Study. 26th biennial meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Island of Rhodes, Greece. June 1, 2020. 
  • Kim Korinek, Zachary Zimmer, Yvette Young, and Tran Khanh Toan. (2020). How Does Surviving War Age the Body and Mind? An Analysis of Subjective Age in Vietnam. NIH Biomarker Network Meeting. April, 2020.
  • Kathryn Fraser, Zachary Zimmer, Kim Korinek, Mevlude Akbulut-Yuksel, and Tran Khanh Toan. (2020). Examining the association between combat exposure and a comprehensive inventory of health indicators among older Vietnamese. Population Association of America Annual Meeting. April, 2020.
  • Kim Korinek, Yvette Young, Bussarawan Teerawichitchainan, Nguyen Thi Kim Chuc, Miles O. Kovnick, and Zachary Zimmer. (2020). Wartime Stress Exposure and Cardiovascular Disease in Later Life: An Analysis of War Survivors in the Vietnam Health and Aging Study. Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. April 24, 2020.
  • Zachary Zimmer, Kathryn Fraser, Kim Korinek, Akbulut-Yuksel, and Tran Khang Toan, (2020). War across the life course: Examining the impact of conflict exposure on a comprehensive inventory of health measures in an aging Vietnamese population.  Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. April 23, 2020.
  • Kim Korinek, Eleanor Brindle, Jefferson Schmidt., Tran Khang Toan, Yvette Young, and Zachary Zimmer. (2020, April 22). How Do War and Stress Contribute to Subjective Age? An Analysis of Biological, Psychosocial and Life Course Stress Factors in the Vietnam Health and Aging Study. PAA Biomarker Network Meeting. Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. April 22, 2020. 
  • Kim Korinek, Eleanor Brindle, Zachary Zimmer, Bussarawan Teerawitchitchainan, Nguyen Thi Minh Chuc, Tran Khang Toan, Nguyen Huu Minh, Alan Cohen. (2019).  VHAS: The Vietnam Health and Aging Study.  The International Biomarker Network.  Austin, TX, April 9, 2019.
Last Updated: 6/16/23